GIS digitizing

now so easy!

We extract information from your existing maps and drawings and deliver CAD files / spreadsheets for your GIS system in high quality.

How it works

You send us your plans by mail or already scanned via email or upload.
We will create a personal offer – free of charge.
We digitize your plans into accurate CAD files according to your specifications.
You get the CAD file(s) on time on DVD, by mail or download.
We will send you the originals back and you get an invoice according to offer.

Indicative prices by the number and complexity of the original plan tabloids, or by the length of the networkn

700 A1
drawings to CAD
€  60,000,-plus VAT

For example the complete digitization of the existing map of an urban utility area with electric power, gas and water pipelines of altogether 700 km length costs approx. 60,000 € plus VAT. The scope of this project comprises the georeferencing and converting of approx. 700 legacy drawings in A1 size into CAD files in the quality described above with approx. 10 CAD layers. The time requirement for the example project outlined here would amount to approx. two months. This noncommittal example can be scaled as approximate value also for networks with different size.

Indicative prices by the number of the captured objects

green area objects
€150,000,-plus VAT

The capture and digitizing of for example 50.000 green area objects from 10.000 maps and their description by a polygon from for the introduction of a green area land register for organizing the fostering of the vegetation would cost approx. 150.000 €.

Digitization of geographic information systems – GIS digitizing

The JDS digitizes your geographic information systems (GIS) using georeferencing and comparison with the landbase map data, extraction of all relevant power lines, pipes, objects and areas.
You supply an urban or regional area with electric energy, with gas and water or you operate a transportation network. The documentation for your network, cables and pipelines at present is on paper. Because you have introduced or you want to introduce a GIS system, instead of the paper plans you need CAD files, which describe your network in a format suitable for your GIS system.
In the digital files all cables, pipes, dimensions, operational objects etc. must be placed on the technically appropriate layer. All cables pipelines, areas and objects must be captured and digitized georeferenced to the land base map. At present your information is on hundreds of tabloids or paper plans. But today you need digital data – in the shortest time and in high quality. You need GIS digitizing done by a professional.

Georeferencing and digitizing the existing maps

The solution for digitizing your geographic information system – GIS digitizing – is georeferencing and vectorizing your existing maps and drawings and the extraction of all relevant power lines, pipes, objects and areas. GIS digitizing has precise geometry, is complete with all dimensions and engineering know-how for placing the objects on the technically appropriate layers.

GIS digitizing delivers CAD files and spreadsheets

In the course of the GIS digitizing we deliver CAD files and spreadsheets in high quality that do contain all information and content of your existing drawings with the following characteristics:

  • precise graphics, symbols and dimensions
  • complying to the relevant DIN and ISO standards
  • with line types, line widths and colors according to your specs
  • with correct text and captions
  • georeferenced to the landbase map and all partial maps seamlessly integrated to form one unified map of the total geographical area that your enterprise covers
  • transformed into Gauss-Krüger coordinate system
  • also starting from coordinate systems used in earlier times like Soldner coordinates
  • with technically appropriate allocation of all elements to the specified CAD layers
  • with updated drawings header and frame
  • as per your requirements with or without overlay of the landbase map data
  • in all common data formats including dwg, dgn, dxf…
  • extraction of data and display in spreadsheet forms for Access, MS SQL and Oracle

Digitization of electric power, water, gas and control cables for entire towns

We have done the digitization and data capture for many GIS projects, including the digitization of electric power, water, gas and control cables for entire towns with a network length of thousands of kilometers or for green areas along the traffic ways of entire regions.
A great number of satisfied clients are ready to provide you with unbiased and solid references regarding the GIS digitizing projects that we did for them. By using our efficient and economic process for georeferencing, digitizing and CAD you save substantially in cost and time while getting professional quality.


In many GIS digitizing projects expertise from quite different areas is necessary:

  • the land base map: here JDS has geodetic know-how and cooperates with surveyors
  • the energy network: in this field JDS cooperates with specialists for distribution of energy, gas and water and for other engineering domains, in order to assure that the clients networks are professionally represented
  • digitizing and representation in CAD is the domain of JDS

For GIS digitizing projects, JDS cooperates with numerous engineering bureaus, in order to combine engineering know-how and CAD knowledge in the best way to benefit the customers. Specifically against the background of the rising cost pressure in the market the cooperation of specialists is a practical way for mastering competition together.

Test us!

We create a test CAD file.
FREE of charge & without any obligation!

Free Consultation!

Call us at
+49 (0)69 / 905 469-0 or send us an email with your inquiry.

We advise you gladly and will make an individual offer free of charge taking the amount of your templates under consideration.

Read in re­fe­re­nces about projects realized in practice and how companies like yours gained significant competitive edge at low cost and in a short time by using our services.