2D SCAN Service

now so easy!

We scan, index and structure your documents cheap & in best quality.

How it works

We will create a personal offer – free of charge.
You send us your plans by post or courier.
We scan your plans with optimal scan parameters.
You get the scan file(s) on time on DVD, by mail or download.
We will send you the originals back and you get an invoice according to offer.

Indicative prices for Scanning

  • Monochrome scan for an A0 drawing:
  • Color scan for an A0 drawing:
  • Monochrome scan for an A4 document:
  • Monochrome scan for a Microfilm aperture card:
1.20 €
5.80 €
0.05 €
0.35 €
plus VAT
Monochrome scan
€   1.20plus VAT

Professional Scan Services for converting entire archives from paper respectively from microfilm to digital solutions at very reasonable cost.

Managing your drawings and documents archives in conventional ways becomes ever more difficult.
Accessing old drawings and documents and their in house distribution or even to external partners are too slow and high costs arise for copying. Maintaining the existing archives and the file card register is often very much based on certain people in the organization and these and in some companies the person having the specific know-how in this domain soon will go into retirement.
How can you create an archive that is safely storing your drawings and documents for the future without a large budget and within a short time? One that is easy to maintain and to which all authorized personnel will have safe, fast and simple access?

Why JDS Sommer?

We have the Know-How and the capacity

  • We pick up your entire archive and store it at the JDS premises
  • Provision of much needed drawings within 2 hours
  • Advanced scanner and image processing software for best results
  • Digitizing drawings, maps, documents, microfilms, dias etc.
  • Scan with 1-bit monochrome, 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit color
  • For oversized drawings with up to 137 cm width and several meters of length
  • Indexing service for the image files according to your specifications
  • Delivery on CD, DVD or an external hard drive
  • Return your originals after project completion or disposal according to DIN

Practical use and return on investment for digital archives

Prior to our product information please read the following quote by one of our clients, for whom we did digitize his entire paper storage with 60.000 drawings:
“….no member of our team would want to miss our digital archive at work. Digital archiving turns out with us ever more as a full success. The time necessary to access old drawings has been drastically reduced and there are practically no more external costs, like copying etc. . That certainly is also due to the outstanding quality of the work performed by the JDS SOMMER team. I will gladly recommend your company also with business partners and friends….“

This customer will, as he states, gladly recommend us. We are very proud about that and we shall be pleased to arrange a contact between you and this successful enterprise from the communications industry. Today each team member in that customer’s network can find every drawing by several criteria and retrieve it directly from the archive server to his PC. He than can display it on his screen as an image file or print it out. For all of that only standard Windows and Office software is used, which we adapted to the customers needs. Beyond that those drawings, which an engineer requires for further processing, he sends us on demand for CAD conversion into the dwg format for AutoCAD by our high quality JDS CAD digitization.

What is the economic justification for a digital archive?

  1. Access times are less than one minute when using the digital archive, while conventional retrieval and reproduction of a drawing used to take several hours or days. For the conventional archives administration personnel is necessary, who can be completely saved when going digital. The manpower savings can be estimated at 4.000 € per month.
  2. The costs of conventional reproduction and copies for approx. five hundred large sized drawings can be approximately 2.500 € per month. The direct on-screen access leads to reduced production of paper copies of up to 80 %. One can thus expect a monthly saving of 2,000 €. If the resulting monthly savings are only 6,000 € then the yearly savings are 72,000 €. For the complete installation of a digital archive for 40.000 drawings including the necessary scanning, the reorganization and the software the onetime investment is around 50,000 €. I.e. this investment will amortize in less than 9 months.

The calculation becomes even more interesting if one includes the potential for CAD conversion.

If your enterprise would have to convert annually only 300 drawings from the archive to CAD, then this would require about 3,000 working hours per year for manual input by your CAD team. At an hourly rate of 30 € this CAD work translates into a total cost of 90,000 €. By means of the JDS CAD digitization 300 drawings can be transformed into CAD files of excellent quality for only 30,000 €. From this a saving of 60,000 € per year can be derived. Finally also the savings in rooms and cabinets for conventional drawing archives can be included into the ROI calculation, which however have a smaller priority in many enterprises. To these savings can be added the advantages relating to the substantially higher security of digital archives against damages caused by water, fire and so on, that are less simply described in a calculation, but are nevertheless very important advantages. Above we could only provide a few reference points for the economic evaluation and return on investment related to digital archiving , which we will gladly discuss with you based on the specific environment in your enterprise.

Detailed information


We scan from opaque and transparent paper, as well as from microfilm with highest quality. The resulting data are image files, for monochrome images mostly in tiff format and for color images in all common image formats like jpg, bmp or gif. Ultra fast and at very competitive pricing.

How are the files organized?

We save the tiff files in windows directories. The filename is the drawing number or document name extracted from the drawing header or from a defined area on the document. You receive the data on CD or DVD. The amount of storage space required is no challenge to modern PC’s neither is back up a technical issue anymore.

Digital Archives

Create a competitive edge for your company! Have us build your digital archive, from which your drawings and documents can be retrieved to be displayed on any screen in your company and reproduced on any printer or plotter in the network. With standard windows software and without any complicated to use and to service non-standard software.
By scanning and reorganizing more than one million technical drawings and several million documents JDS has built know-how and reputation. Relying on these assets our team can build for you comprehensive solutions in a short time.

Conversion to CAD

You can get from the archived tiff images perfect CAD drawings anytime, by using our “JDS CAD Digitization service”. This can save you lots of time in completing your projects faster. As a side effect you do continuously enhance the amount of available CAD drawings in your archive or you decide like many other companies to right away convert your total archive to CAD. Cost for CAD conversion is much less than you figured and quality of the resulting CAD files is excellent, due to our CAD Know-How.

Database instead of legacy filecards

Let us convert the paper based filmcard or table registry that you use for administrating drawings and documents into a single database that can be easily managed. You gain control on all your drawings and documents. With all relevant information including drawing number, document name, short description of content, place of installation type of document, etc. Having all the information gathered in many years in your filers now at your fingertips in a database, connected online to your digital image files, might mean a significant advantage versus your competitors. While they still check an inquiry you have completed your quotation to the client with all relevant information coming from your digital archive. Whereas conventional paper searches, copying and distribution used to take hours or even days. Today our clients only need minutes to retrieve and process digital drawings and documents from their online digital archives.

Test us!

We create a test-scan. FREE of charge & without any obligation!


“…no member of our team would want to miss our digital archive at work. Digital archiving turns out with us ever more as a full success. The time necessary to access old drawings has been drastically reduced and there are practically no more external costs, like copying etc. . That certainly is also due to the outstanding quality of the work performed by the JDS SOMMER team. I will gladly recommend your company also with business partners and friends…”

Responsible department manager at Thales

Free Consultation!

Call us at
+49 (0)69 / 905 469-0 or send us an email with your inquiry.

We advise you gladly and will make an individual offer free of charge taking the amount of your templates under consideration.

Read in re­fe­re­nces, about projects realized in practice and how companies like yours gained significant competitive edge at low cost and in a short time by using our services.